I am so in love with Young Living's Feelings kit. Yes! Really!
It all happened when I was a bit upset for having failed my driving test and a little stressed about the upcoming re-test. It was also time to send in in my monthly Essential Rewards order, so I quickly ordered the Feelings kit, hoping it would help to manage my stuck feelings of stress and release limiting beliefs that I was not a good driver. It did help even when I only managed to use it twice before my re-test. You can read more about my experience in this earlier blog post :)
Being licensed to drive and having daily responsibilities to ferry my two young boys to-and-fro daycare continued to overwhelm me, so I continued to use the Feelings kit to calm myself and release more limiting beliefs that prevent me from being a safe, competent driver. I have found that using this kit brings about emotional balance in me much faster than if I were to just use pure energy healing on myself.
What is in the Feelings kit?
The Feelings kit features six 5-ml essential oil blends formulated by D. Gary Young (Founder of Young Living) to promote emotional clearance and self renewal. This collection includes Valor, Harmony, Forgiveness, Inner Child, Release and Present Time. The set also comes with a CD containing a document on the purpose of each essential oil blend, as well as how to use the oils in sequence.
Using the Feelings kit
Dr Gary Young, founder of Young Living whom also created this Feelings kit, recommends using this set of oils twice a day (in the morning and evening) for thirty consecutive days for maximum effect.
It is not necessary to always apply specific oils at the areas recommended in the attached document. The essential oil molecules are so small that they get absorbed into the bloodstream to reach all cells in your body within minutes so it does not matter much where you apply each oil. Feel free to follow your intuition on which areas to apply for each essential oil blend.
Lately I have also learned that it is not necessary to follow the Feelings kit in a fixed sequence, as we are just layering on the oils and not making a blend. I have since created a new sequence which I find to be easier to remember which I would like to share with you here:
How you can the Feelings kit
Here are the suggested intention setting and visualization exercises you can do with each essential oil blend:
1. Valor

The Valor essential oil blend helps to balance the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional energies of the body. It is a key blend used in Raindrop therapy to support spinal health as well. It smells really calming, uplifting and strengthening at the same time.
According the online Merriam-Webster dictionary, "Valor" means "strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness".
I feel that it does take lots of strength of mind and spirit to face and process the difficult feelings, such as guilt, anxiety, and/or fear that are stuck within us. We do need a different kind of courage to take a look and examine the tangled feelings inside us, so we can untangle them properly and let in more peace, love and light into ourselves.
I like to apply Valor to my shoulders and/or feet, and set any of these intentions:
- to have the courage to face what I truly feel regarding a particular situation,
- to calmly face any emotional conflicts I may or may not be conscious of
- to be brave enough to work through my shadow self.
Imagine these tiny molecules doing its work to fulfill your set intention. Breathe in deeply and calmly to allow Valor"to do its work.
2. Harmony

Did you know that the Harmony essential oil blend is in itself a harmonic blend with 17 different kinds of essential oils, including Rose which has the highest frequency among all essential oils? This blend creates harmonic balance in your chakras as well as in your relationships with others.
First, I would apply a couple of drops of this oil blend onto my chest area, and set the intention for all my seven main chakras to be cleansed, balanced, and realigned such that all chakras are in harmony with one another. If I have a bit more time I would visualize each chakra being cleansed and realigned to my body, beginning with my root chakra.
Secondly, I would also think of any challenging relationship I am going through now, and set the intention for all perceived and/or actual relationship conflicts to be harmonized.
3. Forgiveness

Usually after the chakra alignment I would have more clarity on what or who needs to be forgiven and most of the negative energies are then easily released through this forgiveness practice.
I would apply the Forgiveness blend to my abdomen area as this is usually where we store resentment (if we bear a grudge towards someone else) and guilt (if we have not forgiven ourselves for our mistakes).
It is much easier to brainstorm on who and what you can choose to forgive instead of who and what needs to be forgiven. If you focus on 'can' instead of 'need', you will be more likely to release even more negativity through forgiving and releasing minor grudges too. Sometimes it's the numerous petty little things that we are actually bothered about but were not fully honest in admitting that prevents our hearts from being more open and free.
4. Release

Release essential oil blend is great for releasing anger and frustration from the liver, and having a healthy liver is crucial to supporting healthy and clear skin.
One great visualization exercise you can try is to first sense how the liver looks and feels like prior to applying Release. For example, your liver could look like dirty green, or it could feel very dense and heavy, or you could even 'hear' negative remarks from your liver.
Next, apply Release to your liver while setting the intention to release all negativity from it. The statements could be " I set the intention to release all that no longer serves my highest good." Breathe in the scent deeply and allow your liver to be cleansed. Sense your liver again to see if the color, density / weight, conversations have changed to a more positive note.
5. Inner Child

I like to apply this Inner Child blend to my ears and do these two things:
1) Release limiting beliefs
As children we form our beliefs from our caretakers (usually parents) and our earliest beliefs can form as early as age 5 onward. Some of these beliefs that were ingrained in us since our childhood days may no longer be practical for us as adults. If you are encountering a difficult situation, you can ask yourself: what limiting belief(s) do I need to release in order to heal this situation? Listen to your intuition as to what the limiting belief(s) might be.
2) Remembering your authentic joy of being
This Inner Child essential oil blend is specially formulated to trigger your memory response, so it gets easier for you to remember what it was like to feel the joy of just being yourself. As adults we can get too carried away with accumulating achievements and feeling that we need to be this ideal person in order to receive more love. We need to understand and feel that it is safe and joyful to be who we are right now.
6. Present Time

After practising forgiveness, releasing anger and frustration, releasing limiting belief(s) and reconnecting to your authentic joy of being, it is now a good time to let go of the past and return to the present moment using Present Time essential oil blend by applying it on your wrists.
Staying in the Here and Now after releasing stuck feelings from the past allows us to open up more wondrous possibilities in the future for us. If you are right in the middle of a challenging situation, you can set an intention for this situation to resolve itself beautifully and in a timely manner before ending this Feelings kit regime.
Would you like to purchase and use this Feelings kit?
If you are someone who is a sensitive soul like me and needs to spend more time and effort managing your emotional health, I would highly recommend you to use this Feelings kit.
It is much more worthwhile to sign up as a Young Living member through their monthly Essential Rewards program and you will get to purchase this Feelings kit at a whopping 24% discount off retail prices. In addition, you will also get to receive a free basic plus starter kit (for members in Singapore) as a bonus. Do click on the button below to find out more about Young Living, benefits on being a member, as well as details on signing up. You can also email me at bingz@bingzhealinghands.me to schedule a free, no obligation 30 minute Skype call to find out more.